Scots Church Sydney

Client Scots Church Sydney
Budget $800,000 (construction cost)
Services Project Management
Sector Heritage
Scope -
Scope Refurbishments

Service Provided

Project Management

Project Details

Spectrum Property & Projects was engaged by Scots Church Sydney to act as the client Project Manager, to oversee the design, tender and construction of a new mechanical services system within the existing Presbyterian Church at 42-44 Margaret Street, Sydney.

Overview & Approach

  • Spectrum Property & Projects was engaged by Scots Church Sydney to act as the client Project Manager, to oversee the design, tender and construction of a new mechanical services system within the existing Presbyterian Church at 42-44 Margaret Street, Sydney. The scope of works included the supply and installation of floor and wall mounted air conditioning units throughout the Church and several meeting rooms. The works included the construction of a new Plant Room, installation of new mechanical equipment and installation of external condensers.

Contact Info

(+612) 9224 7722

Office Address

L11, Suite 1108, 109 Pitt St, Sydney NSW 2000
10 Kosciusko Road Jindabyne NSW 2627