August 21, 2024
MidCoast Council Office
MidCoast Council Office
Client | MidCoast Council | |
Budget | Circa $20m | |
Services | Project Management | |
Sector | Council / Workplace | |
Scope | Office Fitout/Industrial | |
Scope | Refurbishments |
Service Provided
Project Management
Project Details
Conversion of a warehouse into office space, along with
building refurbishment and upgrade works. Our services
included comprehensive planning, thorough due diligence,
effective project management, diligent superintendency,
and adept change management. We ensured that every
aspect of the project was meticulously planned and
executed, meeting client requirements and objectives.
Overview & Approach
- To support the increased student numbers resulting from the expansion of the College, the catering facilities were replaced to meet future demand and provide upgraded facilities .
- The new facility addresses all functional issues including capacity, circulation, storage, equipment quality and capacity, ventilation, safety and finishes. It also includes replacement of the existing roof and a new lift to address access issues in the building.